
Certification - GMS Contract & Legal Obligations

The following is a list of obligations relating to Certification by GPs: GPs are obliged to provide data essential for a clinical referral free of charge. A GP has a statutory duty to supply a registered patient, free of charge, with any of the prescribed certificates set out in Schedule 4 of...

Contraception & Sexual Health in Young People

Covid 19 National Guidance

2024 Revised 'Which Covid-19 Vaccine?' poster 2023 Posters for Point of care recording - COVID-19 vaccinations Access to vaccination for displaced population groups Childrens programme update 11.10.23 COVID-19 vaccines - Quick reference guide NHSE National Protocols for COVID-19 Covid-19...

Department of Health Guidance: Response to the Supreme Court Judgment/ Deprivation of Liberty Safeguard

Original Document: Response to the Supreme Court Judgment/ Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards LMC Commentary December 2015 This important document, The Department of Health Guidance: Response to the Supreme Court Judgement/Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS), refers to a judgement given in...

Domestic Abuse Remember that Victims and Perpetrators may not always be those you expect

It's easy to assume that domestic abuse only affects partners or ex-partners within a relationship. However, an increasingly common form of abuse, with potentially devastating results, is set to challenge those inherent beliefs. In 2014/15, 3% of the approx. 700 referrals to Somerset's...

Introduction to Safeguarding Children Training

Safeguarding Children - A Beginner's Guide (with acknowledgements to Wessex LMCs) RCGP supplementary guide to safeguarding training requirements for all primary care staff Although the intercollegiate document 'Safeguarding Children and Young people: roles and competences for health care...

Learning Disabilities: The Annual Health Check

Medical Records - Adopted Children

Medical Records - Adopted Children (with acknowledgements to Wessex LMCs) Under adoption legislation an adopted child is given a new NHS number and all previous medical information relating to that child is put into a newly created health record. Any information relating to the identity or...

Parents wishing to access children's medical records

RCGP Toolkit - Learning Disability Training

These clinical toolkits have been developed in partnership between the RCGP and their funding and delivery partners. The resources have been created for primary healthcare professionals, patients and carers. These toolkits can be used to assist in the delivery of safe and effective care to...

Thinking it? Report it

A new public awareness raising campaign, called 'Thinking it? Report it', launched in Somerset encouraging people to make contact with Adult Social Care if they think someone is being harmed. The campaign has been launched with the direct support of the Somerset Safeguarding Adults Board...

What CQC is looking for in relation to Safeguarding

This Useful table highlights the common themes identified in inspection reports mapped against each Key Line of Enquiry (KLOE) for Safeguarding