About our membership
In order to reflect changes in Primary Care and make ALL SGPET and LMC events free to members, we introduced a New Levy based system in 2023 on practice list size, similar to how the LMC levy is collected.
Due to the increasing financial pressure on practices we have decided not to increase the levy this year, so this will remain at 15p per patient for our Membership year Apr25/Mar26, to be reviewed again before the 2026/2027 year.
This will cover ALL practice staff, PCN staff (If all practices within the PCN join) and our Locum colleagues who work across our practices.
A Practice may wish to pay this Levy themselves, or as a group via their PCN. If joining as a PCN, SGPET will need to be notified in advance, with the details of their Lead Practice.
How it works
SGPET will in advance of the 1st April each year, forward to the ICB the new Levy figures for practices/PCN’s who are joining. The ICB will then take this from the Practice/PCN monthly as they do with the LMC Levy.
If your Practice were members in the previous year we will presume you wish to join again, unless SGPET is notified by 21 February 2025. Similarly, if you were not members previously and wish to join, let us know by 21 February via Lmc.sgpet@nhs.net
A Practice can decline to join and pay individually for events if they wish, a comparable model of Practice costs doing it in this way can be found here and a table of event costs is below.
Benefits of a SGPET/LMC Levy based system
- All practice, PCN and Locum staff will be covered
- LMC Training previously at a cost will now be free to members.
- Fairer, simpler and more sustainable than the old models based on the number of partners employed by a surgery. SGPET now provides education for everyone in a Practice diverse team, with 300 plus events a year
- The SGPET levy will be an expense of the GP practice partnerships so will qualify for tax relief in the same way as the current LMC levies.
- Some PCNs have used their development funds to pay the levy on behalf of all practices in their PCN
What’s included
- A series of clinical study days, including an annual Diabetes and Respiratory updates, a complete list of sessions is visible via the Events page.
- Local evening Primary Care Discussion Groups
- Resuscitation updates
- Evening meetings with local Consultants
- Four-day refresher course annually, Somerset Fresh Looks
- Specific small groups for new GPs, Locum GPs, PCPs (paramedics in practice) and Lead Nurses
- SGPET offer sessions for Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, HCA’s, Health Coaches, FCP’s & PCP’s in General Practice, including Childhood Immunisation training & updates, Respiratory, Diabetes and Ear Care to name a few. All members receive a certificate of attendance.
Non Member Event Costs
- Full study day, in person or Zoom - £250
- Half day event, in person or Zoom - £150
- Evening session in person (with refreshments) - £75
- Other sessions in person/Zoom if up to 2 hours (over 2 hours, half day cost) - £65