Preparing for your Appraisal

Get your appraisal date booked in your appraisal month at least 2 months before it is due.
                                                      Keep It Short and Simple

Appraisal preparation should not be time consuming, but does need to meet the
requirements of the GMC. It should be personal to you and about your work. If you keep a learning log throughout the year then preparation before your appraisal may take less than a couple of hours.
The evidence and supporting information that you present should be lean and
meaningful, and about your work.
Please send to your appraiser in good time before your appraisal – ideally 2 weeks before the date.

Reflections are essential – required by the GMC and RCGP

The most important part of appraisal should be the discussion with your appraiser. It is your one chance in the year to be able to talk about you and your work with a colleague who will listen to you and help you reflect on the quality of your work and where your career is going. It should be supportive and constructive, and this is made much more likely if you have prepared well, with meaningful and relevant supporting information.
If you have any queries or concerns contact your appraiser, or the appraisal admin team –
Useful information is available on the NHS England website –

Useful contacts on GP Appraisals UK website - GP Appraisal and Revalidation (including Responsible Officer, see contacts) - 
GP Appraisal UK

Locum / Sessional GP Appraisal and Revalidation

The RCGP and GMC are aware that fulfilling appraisal and revalidation requirements can be more difficult for sessional GP's and changes have now been made to help others address this. Make sure you (and your appraiser) are clear on what is needed.

The RCGP and GMC are aware that fulfilling appraisal and revalidation requirements can be more difficult for sessional GP's and changes have now been made to help others address this. 

Fourteen Fish appraisal Toolkit (other toolkits are available)

Appraisal toolkit for Doctors: This is  confidentially Moderated by the Somerset LMC Executive on behalf of all GPs who use this toolkit

Fourteen Fish Appraisal Guide 

Revalidation tips for Locum Doctors

RCGP Mythbusters

A really great guide to read and understand what is and isn’t expected of you as a GP to negotiate your way with ease through Appraisal and Revalidation processes.

BMA Appraisal Tips for Sessional GPs

Updated RCGP guidance: a more supportive appraisal