Social prescribing
Gillian Cook s now the Primary Care Workforce Development Lead updated 16.March 2022
- Social prescribing is a means for GPs and other health care professionals to refer people whose underlying needs require practical, emotional and community based support. Presentation by Dr Deborah Lane, Consultant AHP, Clinical Lead Advancing Practice & Social Prescribing Workforce Development Projects, Somerset STP
- Training & Education Framework for Somerset Personalised Care with a focus on Social Prescribing Link Workers and Health and Wellbeing Coaches. This framework and training programme will support the Somerset Social Prescribing Model which forms part of a shift towards a more personalised care approach across Somerset. The Somerset Social Prescribing model was developed through listening to the experience of a wide range of local partners, a growing national evidence base and people who have themselves experienced social prescribing.
- Advice and resources to support the training and development of the personalised care workforce of SPLWs, health coaches and care coordinators.