PGD Notice Board

Update August 2023

Four new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use.


Update 2 Sept 2022

Update 1 Nov 2021

Four new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use.

Changes from V3.00:

       2. Hepatitis A/B vaccine PGD V3.00 for the administration of hepatitis A virus and hepatitis B recombinant DNA (HepA/B) vaccine to individuals requiring protection against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus in accordance with national recommendations

Changes from V2.00:

        3. Hepatitis B vaccine PGD V04.00 for the administration of Hepatitis B recombinant DNA vaccine to individuals considered at increased risk of exposure to hepatitis B virus, at increased risk of complications of hepatitis B disease, or post potential exposure to hepatitis B virus.

Changes from V03.00:

        4. Low-dose diphtheria, tetanus and inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (Td/IPV) PGD V04.00 for the administration of low-dose diphtheria, tetanus and inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (Td/IPV) to individuals from 10 years of age, in accordance with the national immunisation programme in England, for travel, or for the management of cases and contacts of diphtheria, tetanus or poliomyelitis.

Changes from V03.00:


Update July 2021

MenACWY PGD V04.00 – valid from 1 July 2021

For the administration of meningococcal group A, C, W and Y (MenACWY) vaccine to individuals eligible for the national routine MenACWY vaccination programme; university freshers (catch-up); outbreak control and contacts of confirmed cases, and for active immunisation against Neisseria meningitidis

Updates:  minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other PHE PGDs and updated references


Update June 2021

Depo Provera Patient Group Direction (PGD) Somerset CCG has produced a new PGD for Depo Provera which is now available on the Somerset CCG Medicines Management Web Page under the heading ‘ Shared Care & PGD’ .

If you wish to use this PGD in your practice, please visit the PGD Web Page to download it and complete the declaration on page 2.  If you haven’t done so already, you should ensure that you remove all old copies from circulation and archive them for your records because they are no longer valid. 

It should be noted that the new PGD is significantly different to previous versions. Please take the time to read the document, ensure that your practice is up to date and that you are competent to work under the new PGD.  The document contains links to the most recent Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health (FSRH) guidance on progesterone only injectables and other useful guidance that nurses working under the PGD should ensure that they are familiar with.  


Update 22 March 2021

Your team can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with NHS medical practices in the South West of England.

Two new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use:

Shingles PGD V09.00 – valid from 1 April 2021

For the administration of shingles (herpes zoster, live) vaccine to individuals who are eligible for the national shingles immunisation programme for the prevention of herpes zoster and herpes zoster-related post-herpetic neuralgia


Pertussis PGD V05.00 – valid from 1 April 2021

For the administration of low dose diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (dTaP/IPV) to women from 16 weeks of pregnancy in accordance with the pertussis vaccination for pregnant women national immunisation programme and to contacts of pertussis, from 10 years of age, in accordance with PHE Guidelines for the Public Health Management of Pertussis in England and/or PHE Guidelines for the Public Health Management of Pertussis Incidents in Healthcare Settings



Update 22 February 2021

Your team can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with NHS medical practices in the South West of England.


Three new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use:


1. MenACWY Risk Groups PGD V03.00 – valid from 1 March 2021

For the administration of meningococcal group A, C, W, and Y vaccine (MenACWY) to individuals with an underlying medical condition which puts them at increased risk from Neisseria meningitidis.



2. MenB Risk Groups PGD V03.00 – valid from 1 March 2021

For the administration of meningococcal group B vaccine (MenB) to individuals, from 2 years of age, with an underlying medical condition which puts them at increased risk from Neisseria meningitidis group B.



3. MenB PGD V05.00 – valid from 1 March 2021

For the administration of meningococcal group B vaccine (MenB) to individuals from 8 weeks of age eligible for the national routine immunisation programme and to individuals for the prevention of secondary cases of meningococcal group B disease.




Update - 25 November 2020 - 

Flublok Quadrivalent Vaccine PGD V01.00 - valid from 23 November 2020

Your team can now download a new PGD that has been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with NHS medical practices in the South West of England.

I will keep you informed of periodic future updates to our PGDs unless you ask me not to. If you would like to add anyone to this ‘mailing list’ please let me know.

A new PGD has been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use:

Flublok Quadrivalent Vaccine PGD V01.00 - valid from 23 November 2020

Administration of Flublok Quadrivalent (recombinant quadrivalent influenza vaccine, QIVr) to individuals in accordance with the national influenza immunisation programme.

This is based on the existing Inactivated Influenza (IM) PGD V08.00, but please note that:

Flublok Quadrivalent does not have a UK marketing authorisation and is authorised for temporary supply in the UK in accordance with a Regulation 174 authorisation . Whilst the product has been used in the US for several years, MHRA have a specific interest in the reporting of adverse drug reactions for this product, see .

Jon Hayhurst

Controlled Drugs Accountable Officer, and Medication Safety Officer

Medical Directorate, NHS England & NHS Improvement (South West)


Added 1 September 2020

New [flu] PGD authorised for NHS medical practices in the South West of England - Earlier  you were made aware of the national template PGD for inactivated vaccinations was now available. This template has now been authorised by the medical director of the South West and can be downloaded from the following location

We wanted to make you aware of this as for some of you this will help you with your flu planning this season. However, as was the case last season the written instruction will be the principle document used for vaccinating frontline healthcare workers. More details about the written instruction can be found at the link below.


      Important info from National Teams

  1.  Sharing of PGDs across a PCN which will support GPNs working Patient Group Direction use in Primary Care Networks​
  2.  Link to podcast on having critical conversations with employers
  3.  We are hearing reports of GPNs feeling fatigued and that their resilience is low at this time. Many will be being supported through our CARE leadership programme but this is not available to all. Please pass on the link for free coaching sessions​
  4.  Link for advice on immunisation services and large-scale vaccination delivery during Covid-19 from the RCN Immunisation services and Large-scale vaccination delivery during COVID-19 - considerations and practical advice’ resource It is currently written for the influenza programme but as a web resource can be amended as we need to for any pandemic vaccine.
  5.  Link to the Digital Nurse Network- with session on PPE for Cervical Screening

Three new PGDs have been authorised for midwives, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

Valid from 1 November 2019

Hepatitis A vaccine PGD v02.00

Administration of Hepatitis A vaccine, to individuals considered at high risk of exposure to hepatitis A or post exposure to hepatitis A virus in accordance with national recommendations.  Valid from 1 November 2019

Updates from last time as follows:

PHE Hepatitis A vaccine PGD amended to: 

HepA/B vaccine PGD v02.00

Administration of hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine to individuals requiring protection against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus in accordance with national recommendations.  Valid from 1 November 2019

Updates from last time as follows:

PHE HepA/B vaccine PGD amended to:

Td/IPV (Revaxis) PGD v03.00

Administration of low-dose diphtheria, tetanus and inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine (Td/IPV) to individuals from 10 years of age, in accordance with the national immunisation programme, for travel, or for the management of cases and contacts of diphtheria, tetanus or poliomyelitis  Valid from 1 November 2019

Updates from last time as follows:

A new PGD has been authorised for midwives, nurses, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB) vaccine PGD V2.00:

Administration of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB) to individuals from 6 weeks (routinely 8 weeks) to under 10 years of age in accordance with the national immunisation programme.

Valid from 1 September 2019

A new PGD has been authorised for nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

A new PGD has been authorised for nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

Live attenuated influenza vaccine nasal spray (‘LAIV’, Fluenz Tetra®) PGD V08.00 for the 2019/20 Influenza Season

Supply and administration of live attenuated influenza vaccine nasal spray suspension (Fluenz Tetra), OR supply only in well-defined local circumstances, to children and adolescents from 2 years to under 18 years of age in accordance with the national flu immunisation programme for active immunisation against influenza

Valid from 1 September 2019

Two new PGDs have been authorised for nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

Human papillomavirus (HPV) PGD - Administration of HPV vaccine to individuals from 12 years of age or from school year 8 in accordance with the national immunisation programme and has been revised to include the retention of eligibility to the 25th birthday and to include the immunisation of boys from September 2019 - Valid from 1 May 2019

Rotavirus PGD - Administration of rotavirus vaccine to infants aged 6 weeks to 23 weeks and 6 days for active immunisation against rotavirus and has relatively minor changes - Valid from 1 July 2019


30/05/2019 – A new Patient Group Direction for Depo Provera administration by nurses in Somerset GP practices has been published.

Two new PGDs have been authorised for nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

  1. MenACWY PGD - Administration of meningococcal group A, C, W and Y vaccine to individuals eligible for the national routine MenACWY vaccination programme; university freshers (catch-up); outbreak control and contacts of confirmed cases  Valid from 1 July 2019
  2. PCV (risk groups) PGD - Administration of pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine to individuals with an underlying medical condition which puts them at increased risk from pneumococcal disease  Valid from 1 June 2019

Two new PGDs have been authorised for nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

HepB PGD - Administration of Hepatitis B vaccine to individuals considered at increased risk of exposure to hepatitis B virus, at increased risk of complications of hepatitis B disease, or post potential exposure to hepatitis B virus.  Valid from 1 May 2019

HepB (renal) PGD - Administration of Hepatitis B vaccine to individuals who are 15 years of age or over and are on haemodialysis, a renal transplantation programme or have chronic renal failure that is likely to require haemodialysis or transplant.  Valid from 1 May 2019


Your team can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England.

Five new PGDs have been authorised for nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists to use:

      Valid from 1 March 2019

      Valid from 1 March 2019

      Valid from 1 March 2019

      Valid from 1 April 2019

       Valid from 1 April 2019 

One new PGD has been authorised - Administration of PCV (pneumococcal vaccine) to individuals from 6 weeks in accordance with the national immunisation programme or in response to an outbreak - by nurses, midwives, paramedics, pharmacists, or physiotherapists

This PGD is valid from 1 February 2019.



You can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England.

One new PGD has been authorised

Administration of Hib/MenC by nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists to individuals with an underlying medical condition that puts them at increased risk

This PGD is valid from 1 November 2018.

One new PGD addendum has been authorised to revise some of the text in the original PGD

This relates to the administration of intramuscular (or subcutaneous) inactivated influenza vaccine by nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists


New PGDs for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England. You can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England.

Two new PGDs have been added

  1. Administration of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) by nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists
  2. Administration of intramuscular influenza vaccine by nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, physiotherapists, and radiographers

These PGDs are valid from 1 September 2018

NHS England Southwest have now updated two PGD's

You can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England.

Two PGDs have been updated:

Supply and administration, or supply only, of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) nasal spray suspension (Fluenz Tetra) by registered nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists

Administration of Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningococcal C conjugate vaccine (Hib/MenC) by nurses, midwives, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists


  1. Administration of meningococcal group B (MenB) vaccine by nurses, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists
  2. Administration of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine by nurses, pharmacists, paramedics, and physiotherapists

Your can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England*.

Public Health England’s revised MMR PHE PGD template, which will replace v01.00 which expires on 28 February 2018.

This will be uploaded shortly on the PHE website, and a link to this page is also available on the GPC’s PGD guidance page.


You can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England*.

One PGD has had its validity extended

The PGD now expires at the end of January 2019, rather than at the end of January 2018


  1. Administration of Hepatitis A vaccine to individuals considered at high risk of exposure to hepatitis A or post exposure to hepatitis A virus in accordance with national recommendations.
  2. Administration of hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine to individuals requiring protection against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus in accordance with national recommendations.
  3. Administration of hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccine to individuals requiring pre or post exposure protection against hepatitis A and/or hepatitis B virus during times of monovalent hepatitis vaccine supply shortages.

Please note that many CCGs do not commission the combined Hepatitis A/Hepatitis B vaccine for use for travel. Please check your local CCG formulary and contact your local medicines optimisation team if necessary


You can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England*.

One PGD has been updated with a significant change:

Administration of intramuscular (or subcutaneous) inactivated influenza vaccine to individuals in accordance with the national immunisation programme for active immunisation against influenza.

The PGD has been amended to include immunisation of health and social care staff, employed by a registered residential care/nursing home or registered domiciliary care provider, who are directly involved in the care of vulnerable patients/clients who are at increased risk from exposure to influenza

Staff administering vaccine by PGD should sign this updated version before vaccinating the newly eligible patients in this cohort

Td/IPV (Revaxis®) PGD v02.00

DTaP/IPV PGD v02.00

These PGDs are to replace the current versions on their expiry on the 1 November 2017 and the 1 December 2017 respectively, and a summary of the key amendments can be found in the change history on page 2 of the documents.

These PGDs require organisational authorisation in line with HMR2012 before they are a legally valid PGD. It is advised that PHE PGD templates are organisationally authorised in accordance with local procedures before sharing with providers.

These, along with all the other immunisation PGD templates, are available on the PHE website , and a link has also been added to the GPC’s PGD guidance page.


You can now download new PGDs that have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England*.

Two new PGDs authorised from national templates from Public Health England have been published:

One local PGD has expired

Please note also that there have been some minor updates to other PGDs:

From NHS England South - New PGDs have been authorised for the vaccination of patients registered with practices in the South West of England.

These PGDs are authorised from national templates from Public Health England and are valid for use from September onwards and include:

  1. DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB v01.00
  2. DTaP/IPV/Hib Booster v01.00
  1. LAIV PGD v05.00
  2. IM Influenza PGD v03.00
  3. ID Influenza v03.00

Depo Provera PGD (V2.0); this can also be found on the Somerset CCG PGD Web Page (scroll to bottom of page). The new PGD is valid from 1st May 2017.

If you wish to use this PGD in your practice, please download a copy and ensure that a GP lead has completed the declaration at the bottom of page 1 and that all nurses working under the PGD sign the declaration on page 2 (this should be countersigned by their manager). On 1st May 2017, you should ensure that all old copies of the PGD have been removed from circulation and archive them for your records, because they are no longer valid.


A new PGD has been signed off Hib/MenC for at risk groups, and is on the NHSE website.  Also please see updated PGD Imms Planner


Depo Provera PGD – extension to expiry date

It has been pointed out that the Patient Group Direction (PGD) for Depo Provera will be expiring on 31st Jan 2017.  The CCG have reviewed this PGD today, and has agreed that it is safe to extend the expiry of this PGD for 3 months.   This will give time for this document to be fully reviewed in consultation with the Somerset Wide Integrated Sexual Health (SWISH) service and for references to be updated.

Please accept this as confirmation that expiry of the Depo Provera PGD, currently available on the CCG website has been extended until 31st April 2017.  The CCG wil provide a revised document as soon as possible and notify practices in the GP bulletin.

For further information please contact:   Catherine Henley on 01935 385 270


Please find here from NHS England South, the signed SSW PPV 23 PGD ready for use.

This will also appear on the NHS England South website in the next few days.

The new Fluenz/LAIV PGD is ready to download from the NHSE South website.  Also, coming soon, before the end of August – national PHE PGDs for Influenza IM, Intanza ID, and pneumococcal PPV23,  PHE shingles and a local SSW PGD for Typhoid.

Update on Travel Vaccine PGDs (Somerset CCG GP Bulletin)

Update from NHS England on Travel PGD's

There are some travel vaccine PGDs (for Hepatitis A and B) available, and still in date, on the BNSSG website, which are for BNSSSG use (these have been authorised for use by Somerset practices Somerset)

However, all of these local travel vaccine PGDs are approaching expiry, and although Public Health England are taking over the review, it is unlikely that that revised PGDs will be available anytime soon. NHS England is proposing to do some work in the South West to update the key travel vaccine PGDs for local use in the interim.

The BNSSG Imms & Vacc Planner has been updated, please follow this link to view or print.

The new national PHE HPV PGD is signed off and ready to use, see link to website HPV PGD this will replace any current local community PGDs for HPV; it will need to be printed off and signed off for use by nurses and lead clinicians for use in GP practices.As usual, any queries re the content of the PGD should go to the generic SCRIMMs email as copied in.

The updated PHE PGD for pertussis in pregnancy 20 weeks+ is now available on the NHSE SSW website, here is the link

Unfortunately it is under the old link label (rather than labelled explicitly as an update), so it is not clearly an update until you click on it.

The new PHE PGD for MMR has now been signed off and is ready for use -

it is more permissive than the previous local SW PGD, covering early administration from 6 months old if needed to cover travel exposure or outbreak.

Here is an update on the progress of the PHE PGDs, and a few other related issues raised recently

PSDs We have had concerns raised about delays where a change in Green Book guidance makes the current PGD out of date e.g. Pertussis in pregnancy changing to 20+ weeks administration from 28 weeks. Our advice is that whilst the PGD is updated, it will be necessary for HCPs to use a patient specific direction (PSD) to administer vaccines, which functions like a group prescription signed by a prescriber. All individuals to be vaccinated are named on the PSD, and all considered individually as suitable for admin of the vac by the prescriber, who takes responsibility for the competency of the HCP administering the vacs under PSD. I have attached a document with more details of the content needed, and there are many examples of PSD proformas on the internet.

NHSE Website - the naming of the PGD links on the NHS England website is under consideration by the SCRIMMs team, to fit more logically with the different vaccination programmes, following some confusion expressed by HCPs.

Hep A - a local NHSE SSW Hepatitis A PGD will be produced before the local CCG area PGDs expire in July 2016, as PHE are not planning to produce a proforma for this.

Emergency planning PGDs – eg potassium iodate, antivirals – PHE PGD proformas are being produced, but I have not yet managed to get a meeting with SW emergency planners to discuss which ones need signing off for the SW area, I am still waiting to get some dates.

As always, any queries about the imms and vacs service are best directed to the SCRIMMs team, as they know about all of the aspects of the service, and need to keep abreast of all the queries coming from providers. You can contact them at

Patient Specific Directions

There are is a new PGD for MMR vaccine on the NHS England website, link at the bottom of the page. This PGD supersedes all previous versions

The updated Shingles PGD is now on the NHS England website, link at the bottom of the page.

 PGD for vaccination of pregnant women against Pertussis - Further Information


NHS England Soth West PGD Webpage