NHS England South - PGD Page
Patient Group Directions (PGDs) are written instructions for the supply or administration of medicines to groups of patients who may not be individually identified before presentation for treatment. NHS PGDs must only be used as part of a commissioned NHS service.
PGD’s are now being posted on the NHS England South website link to page
October 2023
Three new PGDs have been authorised for Hep A, Hep B and Hep A&B, please follow link above
Hepatitis A Vaccine PGD v5.00 (AVAXIM®, AVAXIM® Junior, Havrix® Monodose®, Havrix® Junior Monodose®, VAQTA® Adult, or VAQTA® Paediatric) – valid from 31st October 2023
For the administration of Hepatitis A virus (inactivated) vaccine (adsorbed), to individuals considered at high risk of exposure to hepatitis A or post exposure to hepatitis A virus in accordance with national recommendations. See Green Book ( Chapter 17 ).
Changes from v4.00 include:
- new vaccine licensed for children 1 to 15 years old (Avaxim® Junior)
- phenylalanine content in Avaxim® Junior, Havrix® and Havrix® Junior Monodose®
- removal of the subcutaneous route being off-label for Havrix® Monodose and Havrix® Monodose Junior
- minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other UKHSA PGD templates
- replacement of ‘Public Health England’ and ‘PHE’ with UKHSA, including updated contact details
Hepatitis B Vaccine PGD v5.00 (Engerix B®, HBVAXPRO®, PreHevbri® or HEPLISAV B®) – valid from 31st October 2023
For the administration of Hepatitis B recombinant DNA (rDNA) vaccine (adsorbed) to individuals considered at increased risk of exposure to hepatitis B virus, at increased risk of complications of hepatitis B disease, or post potential exposure to hepatitis B virus. See Green Book ( Chapter 18 ).
Changes from v4.00 include:
- individuals with incomplete primary vaccination against hepatitis B (since the change to the childhood immunisation programme in August 2017)
- particulars pertaining to 2 additional licensed Hep B vaccines (PreHevbri® and HEPLISAV B®)
- minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other UKHSA PGD templates
- updated contact details for UKHSA
Hepatitis A+B Vaccine PGD v4.00 (Ambirix®, Twinrix® Adult, and Twinrix® Paediatric) – valid from 31st October 2023
For the administration of combined hepatitis A virus (inactivated) and hepatitis B recombinant DNA (rDNA) (Hep A and B) vaccine (adsorbed) to individuals requiring protection against hepatitis A and hepatitis B virus in accordance with national recommendations.. See Green Book ( Chapter 17 and Chapter 18 ).
Changes from v3.00 include:
- potential for reduced antibody titers when co-administered with human normal immunoglobulin (HNIG) or hepatitis B immunoglobulin
- confirmation the vaccine cannot be used in post-exposure prophylaxis
- advice to maintain the same brand of combined hepatitis A and B throughout the primary vaccination course
- details of protection against hepatitis B not being fully conferred until after the second dose of Ambirix®
- minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other UKHSA PGD templates
- replacement of ‘Public Health England’ and ‘PHE’ with UKHSA, including updated contact details
August 2023
Four new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use .
- HPV PGD (V6.00)
- Shingles (Shingrix) PGD (V2.00)
- Shingles (Zostavax) PGD (V11.00)
- LAIV PGD (V13.00) - now regionally approved
Two new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use.
Before staff use these, your organisation should ensure that those members of staff have signed section 7, and that this has been counter-signed by an authorising manager.
Note that PGDs can only be used as legal authorisation for administration or supply of prescription-only medicines by a limited number of registered health professions. Other staff that cannot prescribe will require a patient specific direction ( guidance here).
Inactivated influenza vaccine PGD V11.00 - valid from 1 September 2022
for the administration of inactivated influenza vaccine to individuals in accordance with the national influenza immunisation programme
Changes from V10.00:
- include only eligible cohorts for the 2022 to 2023 season
- include the inactivated influenza vaccines for the 2022 to 2023 season
- remove the exclusion of ‘individuals who are less than 2 years of age and have had a severe anaphylactic reaction to egg which has previously required intensive care’ and update cautions and off-label section to advise egg-free cell-based influenza vaccine is offered off-label to these individuals in accordance with JCVI advice and the annual flu letter
- include minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other UKHSA PGDs
Live attenuated influenza vaccine nasal spray suspension (LAIV) PGD V11.00 (Fluenz® Tetra) - valid from 1 September 2022
for the supply and administration, or supply only, of live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) nasal spray suspension (Fluenz® Tetra) to children and adolescents from 2 years to under 18 years of age in accordance with the national flu immunisation programme.
Changes from V10.00:
- include the 2022 to 2023 influenza vaccination programme eligible cohorts
- update organisation from PHE to the UKHSA
One new PGD has been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use. 20 August 2021
- Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae and hepatitis B vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB) PGD V03.00
for the administration of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, Haemophilus influenzae and hepatitis B vaccine to individuals from 6 weeks (routinely 8 weeks) to under 10 years of age in accordance with the national immunisation programme
Changes from V2.00:
- include minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other PHE PGDs and updated references
- addition of Vaxelis® suspension
- addition of stability data
HPV vaccine PGD V04.00
for the administration of human papillomavirus vaccine (HPV) to individuals from 12 years of age or from school year 8 in accordance with the national immunisation programme
Changes from V03.00:
- includes the 9-valent vaccine (Gardasil® 9)
- includes minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other PHE PGD templates
Three new PGDs have been authorised for a range of registered healthcare professionals to use:
- MenACWY Risk Groups PGD V03.00 – valid from 1 March 2021
For the administration of meningococcal group A, C, W, and Y vaccine (MenACWY) to individuals with an underlying medical condition which puts them at increased risk from Neisseria meningitidis.
- express dose interval in weeks and remove specific reference to Hib/MenC in line with Chapter 7 of the Green Book
- include minor rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other PHE PGD templates
- MenB Risk Groups PGD V03.00 – valid from 1 March 2021
For the administration of meningococcal group B vaccine (MenB) to individuals, from 2 years of age, with an underlying medical condition which puts them at increased risk from Neisseria meningitidis group B.
- off-label and dose section to reflect changes in the summary of product characteristics, which now includes administration at not less than one-month interval from 2 years of age
- exclude those who have completed a course of 4CMenB
- include a caution relating to immunosuppressed individuals
- update adverse drug reactions section
- clarify supplies section
- include rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other PHE PGD templates
- MenB PGD V05.00 – valid from 1 March 2021
For the administration of meningococcal group B vaccine (MenB) to individuals from 8 weeks of age eligible for the national routine immunisation programme and to individuals for the prevention of secondary cases of meningococcal group B disease.
- update off-label section because SPC now includes administration of 2+1 schedule starting at 2 months
- update adverse drug reactions section
- include a caution relating to immunosuppressed individuals
- update adverse drug reactions section
- include rewording, layout and formatting changes for clarity and consistency with other PHE PGD templates