Non Medical Prescribers NMPs
This page is for NMPs, people hoping to become NMPs or employers of NMPs working in general practice in Somerset. Please find below a few useful links and resources. If you have anything you think might add to the list please let us know.
Wessex LMC have produced a comprehensive guidance document for Non Medical Prescribing and have kindly allowed us to share it;
Becoming a Non Medical Prescriber
TO become a NMP you need to undertake a NMP course. There are certain pre-requisites which are outlined in the document above. There is some limited HEE funding for such courses. For advice on this Please contact Paula Messenger Nurse Advisor Somerset LMC, or Carol Hobbs from the Somerset Training Hub,
Steps to getting prescribing once you have completed a non medical prescribing course:
•Successfully complete a recognised and accredited Non Medical Prescribing (NMP) course
•University inform professional body (Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)/NMC/other of successful completion
•Professional body to annotate the register to show NMP status
•Clinician to provide proof of annotation to employer
•Amend job description to reflect NMP status
Undergo local induction to ensure familiarisation of prescribing systems: electronic prescribing, FP10 security, local formulary.
•Check indemnity and liability insurance is adequate
•Inform CCG medicines management team of prescribing status*
•Ensure appropriate EMIS/smartcard permissions are activated for Prescribing**
•Identify named clinical mentor (NCM) for first year of prescribing practice
•Maintain yearly evidence of competency, reviewing the Prescribing Competency Famework ( prescribers-competency-framework) as part of your professional regulatory bodies revalidation framework and/or in house appraisal.
•Ensure your practice has adequate evidence for CQC of your ongoing competence, your involvement in audit, support of your professional development, evidence of qualification/annotation of the register and adequate indemnity.
* The practice will need to contact Daniela Wilson with the appropriate paperwork and if all is in order Shaun Green will sign it off.
**Link to EMIS here or see document ‘EMIS set up to prescribe.doc’
Useful links:
- Somerset Formulary
- Prescribing competency framework
- For pharmacists please see here