Training modules Covid Vaccine:
The Core Training Modules are now live, accessible via the Learning for Health site.
The QNI has developed several online resources to support community nurses and nursing students who work with carers.
The QNI’s interactive toolkit includes learning resources for:
School Nurses (includes information about young carers)
A free-access Interactivity Tool designed for nursing students is also now available for tutors to use in a classroom setting or for students working individually. The tool uses the QNI’s online learning resources and includes questions, video clips, patient scenarios and case studies.
RCN guidance may be helpful for practice nurses and others carrying out remote consultations
NB Medical Education
NB Medical education have now made a free on-demand webinar, based on evidence and reliable information sources such as the recent NICE guidelines, that you can watch in your own time. It will inform you on what you really need to know. It is broken down into 3 modules, each lasting approx. 30 minutes to give 1.5 hours of CPD.
- The clinical management of suspected COVID-19 in the community
- Managing co-morbidities during the pandemic
- End of life care for COVID-19 patients in the community
Coronavirus (Covid-19) online programme created by Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH)
This package of valuable online resources is available free of charge to all health professionals. It is updated regularly and includes:·
· Essential Guidance from the NHS,
· Advice from Public Health
· Infection Prevention and Control
· Resources for Staff Working in Primary Care and Community Settings
· Resources for Return to Work Healthcare Staff
· Resources for Pharmacy Staff
· End of Life Care COVID-19· Wellbeing for
RCGP Covid-19 Resource Hub
The regularly updated resources come from a range of authoritative sources and they collected in these sections:
- Top Tips
- Covid-19 FAQs
- GP Wellbeing
- Remote consultation and triaging
- Clinical management
- Managing general practice during a pandemic
- End-of-Life care
- Specialist issues and contexts
- Expanding the workforce
- Research, evidence and mythbusters Ethics, challenging conversations and health inequalities
RCGP is also offering free access for a fixed period to its popular eLearning resources including Essential Knowledge Updates and GP SelfTest for all returners. All current College members already have access to these resources and RCGP is offering free access to lapsed and non-members to support their return to practice. Lapsed members can login and non-members can register on the RCGP website.
Queen’s Nursing Institute Coronavirus Information Centre
The QNI is bringing together information resources about the Covid-19 Coronavirus for community nurses and allied health professionals
RED WHALE - Lifelong Learning for Primary Care
You can keep updated through the Red Whale COVID-19 Pearls. These are free to all. You can sign up for them here
Red Whale are also now giving 3 months access FREE TO ALL CLINICIANS. If you are not currently a GPCPD member, go to and enter the activation code RWGIFT
Fourteen Fish Covid 19 Hubovid 19 Hub
Useful links to resources for Health Professionals relevant to the Covid-19 pandemic, from FourteenFish and our users. Join the online Communities to join in the discussion and share useful resources.
Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic with Compassion - Dr Sarah Temple of EHCAP Ltd