Management of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in General Practice

The ‘Management of Familial Hypercholesterolaemia in General Practice’ eLearning course is now live on the RCGP website. You can access the course via the following links on our Online Learning Environment:

Shorter link for promotional purposes:

Course description:

The primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most important aspects of primary care and is particularly important for those patients with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH). As the prevalence of heterozygous FH in the UK population is approximately 1 in 250, a typical practice with 10,000 patients might have up to 40 patients with a significantly increased risk of premature heart disease. The condition is significantly underdiagnosed, and the 2017 NICE FH guideline has recommended case finding in primary care using electronic records as an acceptable and highly cost-effective method for individual practices to identify patients who so far have not had the benefit of treatment. The NHS 2019 long-term plan has set an ambition to identify 25% of the predicted FH patients in the next 5 years and achieving this will depend heavily on GP input.

The course consists of two modules. Module 1 provides GPs and other Health Care Professionals with information about the causes and consequences of FH, how they can identify those in their practice most likely to have FH, and how these patients and their relatives should be managed. Module 2 covers the genetic causes of FH in more detail, suggests new search algorithms to help in patient identification, and describes novel lipid-lowering agents that are in development.

The eLearning course can be accessed by all healthcare professionals for free but they will need to register for an RCGP account to access. You can register for a free account by selecting the ‘Access as a non-member’ option at the bottom of the following page:

If there is a field asking for your GMC number, you can leave this blank if you don’t have one.

The best way to access the FH course, after registering for an account, is to use the direct link below to our eLearning platform, rather than go through the RCGP website.  Direct link to course:

There are plenty of free eLearning resources on our eLearning site, which can be accessed by logging in with a non-member online account. Our resources are mainly aimed at GPs and the primary care team, but there are various topic areas that would be useful for other healthcare professionals too. Here is the link to our eLearning site if you would like to browse: