Infection Control Guidance Health Care Premises

Updated Ventilation guidance (HTM 03-01) Specialised ventilation for healthcare buildings 

These documents give comprehensive advice and guidance on the legal requirements, design implications, maintenance and operation of specialised ventilation in healthcare premises providing acute care.

In other types of healthcare a risk assessment of the nature of the treatment being delivered, condition of the patients and intensity of use needs to be undertaken by those responsible for the facility in order to determine the extent to which this guidance will be applicable.

Health Technical Memorandum 03-01 (2021) supersedes all previous versions of Health Technical Memorandum 03-01 – ‘Specialised ventilation in healthcare premises’ (2007). It also supersedes HTM 2025 (1994) and DV4 (1983).

For further information see  NHS England » (HTM 03-01) Specialised ventilation for healthcare buildings

Health Technical Memorandum 03-01 Specialised ventilation for healthcare premises

Part A: The concept, design, specification, installation and acceptance testing of healthcare ventilation systems

Part B: The management, operation, maintenance and routine testing of existing healthcare ventilation systems