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ADVERT : FGM Conference, Bristol

Please do not contact SGPET about this event.
This is just being advertised here for your information.

Integrate UK event

Saturday 17 November 2018

Views: 152

This is an all day event.

Times: 09:00 - 17:30

The conference is aimed at healthcare and social care students and professionals who may come into contact with those who have had FGM or indeed those who are at risk.

The purpose of the conference is to help the relevant professionals gain a depth of understanding as to the medical and psychological implications of FGM. Topics covered will include how to identify and treat both immediate and late complications of FGM, safeguarding guidance surrounding FGM and our responsibilities as healthcare professionals, and how to address the topic sensitively with those affected. There are talks by experts from a range of disciplines, and the event promises to be of highest educational value.

Please find attached the programme, and click here for further information.


Main contact

Name: Integrate UK

Phone: 0117 9542808

Please do not contact SGPET about this event.
This is just being advertised here for your information.

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.