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Rapid Induction Into Telephone Triage COVID 19 (Anytime video tutorial)

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This is just being advertised here for your information.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

Views: 3780

Click here to  view this video tutorial on You Tube

Target learners: All primary care clinicians carrying out telephone consultation and consultation

Presenter/s: Dr Andy Eaton, Somerset GP. 

Length: 30 minutes

Description: Covid-19 means that many more assessments and consultations must now be carried out remotely. This is challenging work and we will all welcome help in increasing our confidence and skills.  This half hour tutorial will provide just that and every primary care clinician will get so much out of working through its advice, insights and practical  tips and models.   

This is the first of a series of related tutorials and live case discussion webinars from Somerset GP Andy Eaton and Bristol GP Alison Hutchings. Both are GP Training Programme Directors and OOH Fellows and what they have to say comes straight from the coal-face.





Main contact

Name: Claire Winchester

Email: claire.winchester1@nhs.net

Please do not contact SGPET about this event.
This is just being advertised here for your information.

If you have any communication or mobility needs that the event organisers need to be aware of please contact them in advance of the course to let them know.