EOL Series (02) Treatment Escalation Planning Conversations COVID 19 (Anytime online tutorial and slide set)
<p>Target learners: All clinicians in primary care and the community carrying out TEP conversations with vulnerable at risk patients as part of the Somerset preparations for Covid-19. This is one of a series of online presentations aimed at helping you and your colleagues understand and implement different parts of the Somerset Covid-19 strategy for end of life. During Covid-19 It is particularly important that patients that are frail with comorbid conditions are given the opportunity to make informed decisions around the level of treatment they would wish for, and that would be effective for them. Each vulnerable person will be helped to make a TEP decision but these conversations will be particularly challenging over the telephone. This 19 minute video will be very helpful as you prepare to do this work. In it, Dr Janet Gillett, Somerset Palliative Care consultant: emphasises the importance of TEP conversations recognises the challenges of doing this remotely walks step by step through typical scenarios demonstrates useful phrases shows how the TEP form should be completed. considers the holistic needs of patient, family and professionals</p>