CQRS Local

CQRS Local has been built with practices in mind, and offers several new benefits with its uptake.

The new system offers a single point of access for local and national claims, with payment from CQRS local going directly to the practice bank account in the same way as national payments.

Some of the key benefits of the system are:

CQRS Local replaces the need to return the Enhanced Service return claim form each quarter.  Once you have registered you will be able to see the Enhanced services you have signed up to.  

CQRS Local will:

Registering for the service

Please click the link to register for an account.  Practices are reminded that the default setting for processing claims at the practice level will be the single level approval function unless otherwise requested. (A single level process allows 1 user to upload and submit data. The multi-level process allows for practices to upload the data but another team member within the practice must then give approval to submit the data).

If you are processing claims for more than one practice you can have all sites on one log in.  Once you have registered for one practice you can then request another practice to be added to your account, you need to follow the below process;

There are CQRS Local guides and video tutorials if you need support for training, please click here.